How Long Does It Take To Potty Train
So the little bundle of joy has arrived and you are busy changing diapers. Most first time mothers ask the obvious question how long does it take to potty train a child. Well that depends on the techniques that you adopt to potty train your child. Usually parents wait until the child is too old to form a habit easily. The ideal time to start potty training is right at birth. From the beginning avoid the disposable diapers that most moms consider as necessities. It is always better to use cloth diapers, because the uncomfortable feeling of a wet or soiled diaper will encourage the child to get potty trained faster.
Another thing that will decide how long does it take to potty train a child will depend on your attitude. Do not make a big deal out of it, because if you do, the child is more likely to resist. Try to take the child to the bathroom every time you relieve yourself and explain that this is the way to do things. If you are a mother with a male child then ask the father to explain this fact to him because otherwise the boy will find it difficult to make the association with going to the toilet.
A great method that will reduce how long does it take to potty train your child is to keep plastic pots around the house where you spend maximum time with your kid. Take your child and place him or her on the potty every ten minutes. If the child gets up immediately allow him or her to do so. Do not force anything upon the child. Slowly the child will make the association with the potty and learn that that is the way to do things. Be very matter of fact and do not ask silly questions about whether he or she needs to pee, because a two year old will not understand your question. If the child shows understanding, you should use praise without going overboard with it.
Usually moms get frustrated with how long does it take to potty train a child. However, the fact is that as mentioned earlier if you begin at birth, your child will be potty trained by the time he or she is two years old. The actual training of using a pot might take two days at the most, if you know how to do it properly.
There are a number of books available in the market which claim to teach mothers how long does it take to potty train their child and how to do it. There is a large amount of material available on the internet, with different articles saying different things which only leads to confusion. At the same time, there are also people who offer to potty train your child for you for an exorbitant fee. It is silly how so much fuss is made over something that is so simple and easy. If you follow these basic tips, you will have your child potty trained by the time he or she is two years old and you will be the envy of the moms in your neighborhood.