How Long Does Lh Surge Last
LH, known as Luteinizing hormone, is a hormone produced by gonadotrophic cells that are found in anterior pituitary gland. Acute rise in it is referred as LH surge. It happens to both females and males. In females, it triggers ovulation while in males; it triggers testosterone production by Leydig Cells. How long does LH surge last? It lasts for not more than 48 hours.
It is the LH surge that determines the reproduction cycle in females. In women, LH levels vary with hormonal changes. As a child the LH levels are not very high. However, after menopause these levels rise. How long does the LH surge last in reproductive years? It takes about 48 hours.
Identification of LH surge is very critical as it helps in the accurate prediction of ovulation and improves the success in fertilizations. There are tests, such as over-the counter urine testing kit which can help you in determining how does LH surge last. Once you get a positive reaction, you can expect ovulation to occur between 36 hours. Timing intercourse on the day you experience the LH surge will maximize your chances to conceive.
As the egg is released by the woman, it is able to be fertilized within a day. Test to see how long does the lh surge last will make the couple aware of when to plan their intercourse, as a result, it will also increase the chances of successfully fertilizing the egg. Sperm can live inside the woman’s body for days so it is ideal in many cases to have an intercourse before ovulation to have high chances of fertilization.
If a woman does not have a regular menstrual cycle, it is beneficial as well as important to work with the doctor about determining peak times of fertility and the best time for LH surge. Approximately 10% of women using the kit will see a negative result of the LH surge. How long does the LH surge last varies for woman to woman. Many women experience the surge by early in the morning, by 8:00 AM but it takes almost four hours for the hormone to reach urine and give a successful test result. Using the kit too early may not give the true results of how long does LH surge last.
There is concern sometimes that whether a woman can feel ovulation or not. In some cases, a woman can. A condition named Mittleschmerz can occur. The pain happens in the lower abdomen on one side of the body. The pain’s duration could be couple of seconds or couple of hours and may occur prior, during or after ovulation.
Indefatigably high levels of LH are indication of situations where the usual restricting feedback from the gonad is not present. This leads to a pituitary production of FSH and LH. This is considered normal during menopause. You need to be careful and consult a doctor if this condition persists during reproductive years.
Diminished discharge of LH can cause failure of gonadal utility (hypogonadism). This situation is typical in males as the main reason for failure to produce normal numbers of sperm. On the other hand, amenorrhea is common in women.