How Long Does Hair Grow
How Long Does Hair Grow?
It is interesting to note how some people seem to grow extremely low hair quite effortlessly. In days gone by a thick head of hair on a woman was considered an attribute of beauty. For others, the hair length seems to stop at the shoulders and often the hair is far from being full and silky. Then there are others who find themselves balding prematurely and hair length is limited by weak strands that continue to break off.
When asked how long does hair grow, one must consider the growth phase. The growth phase of the hair cycle is called the anagen phase and this varies from person to person at anywhere from two to six years. The speed in which the hair grows will depend very much on hormonal changes, genetics and diet. The length of hair is measured from the beginning of the hairline at the forehead. By using a tape measure one should bring it across over the top of the head and down the back until it reaches the ends of the hair. Since hair stretches when it is wet the measuring should be done when the hair is dry. One should also keep in mind that curly hair needs to be stretched straight in order to be measured accurately.
During the growth period hair grows about .44 mm daily. Once it reaches the end of the growth cycle, it will go through a transitional phase, shed and start to grow again. Some people have longer anagen phases and so can grow longer hair. This phase is a major contributor to the question how long does hair grow.
Blow drying and hair coloring will cause hair damage where it splits and breaks. Poor hair quality is also caused by mineral and vitamin deficiencies. A diet deficient in zinc, vitamins A and E will result in splitting and dry hair. A lack of iron will cause hair loss and a lack of selenium or folic acid will contribute to poor hair growth.
The fastest growing area of hair growth is on the top of the head. Interestingly, some people will experience faster hair growth on one side of the head more than the other.
Most people may not notice that their hair is growing about half an inch a month. Poor hair care will cause breakages so that the hair will seem to be growing slowly or not at all. It is a good idea to choose sulfate free shampoos that do not contain hair conditioners. All hair located below the ear level requires moisturizing because it is not close to the natural scalp oils. Quality conditioners such as aloe vera gel, jojoba oil and shea butter are recommended as quality conditioners that do not build up over time. They will wash out of the hair more easily when and not cause any hair damage.
Cellulose acetate combs are recommended for combing the hair since regular plastic combs have seams in them that can catch and damage hair. Wood, horn combs and resin combs are also recommended since they can help to spread the natural scalp oils through the hair. When the hair is properly moisturized it will help hair retain its length. Wearing one’s hair in a braid at night will help to prevent any tangling. Daily moisturizing of the ends with a vegetable oil will help healthy hair to grow longer.
It is clear that genetics plays a role in the length of one’s hair but equally as influential is how well the hair is taken care of the quality of one’s diet. A healthy diet and natural hair care products and tools will help to keep healthy hair in good condition and long. With long hair one can enjoy accessorizing and changing hair styles without having to visit the hairdresser. We may not be able to reach the world record of hair length but we can still enjoy the feel and versatility that long hair provides.