How Long Does It Take To Become A Radiologist
Radiologists are those physicians who specialize in the field of radiology which consists of using ionizing and non-ionizing methods of radiation to diagnose and treat different kinds of diseases. It has been noticed that many people, especially Americans specialize in this field by taking a proper training for becoming a radiologist. A radiologist may use different kinds of methods for doing X-Rays on different parts of a body.
Some radiologists prefer reading X-Rays while some radiologists prefer using some kind of a radioactive material in the body of a person which is followed by an equipment that follows that radioactive material which is present inside the body of a person.Many radiologists deal with images of breast, chest and gastrointestinal also. There are many factors involved in the process of becoming a radiologist. Below you will find some pointers that will help you understand how long does it take to become a radiologist.
How long does it take to become a radiologist may depend upon the fact that one must have a four years of undergraduate education. The undergraduate education needed to become a radiologist must include courses such as physics, chemistry, biology and maths. However, some specific courses in the field of social sciences which includes sociology and psychology are also required to become a radiologist. In order to become a radiologist, one must complete his/her undergraduate degree with good grades so that, that person can gain an admission into a renowned medical school as well.
How long does it take to become a radiologist may also depend upon the fact that a student must spend atleast two years in a medical school which includes a mixture of classroom as well as laboratory training as well.If a student wants to become a radiologist, he/she must get good grades in some of the most important courses which are studied in a medical school such as anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology, pathology, microbiology, psychology and a combination of some ethic courses as well will also be very much beneficial for the student who wants to become a radiologist.
How long does it take to become a radiologist may also depend upon the fact that a student must also undergo an internship or in simpler terms, a residency program in which these students are paid for the work they do in a hospital. Through an internship or a residency program, a student who wants to become a radiologist may experience an on-the-job training which is extremely helpful for that student in the long-run because then that student might be able to use different kinds of radiological instruments that are used by a radiologist. However, since that student is trained by a specialized radiologist, therefore, it is a great opportunity for students to learn and make their career in radiology or become a radiologist.
How long does it take to become a radiologist may also require training in pediatric radiology, radiation oncology or gastrointestinal radiology so that he/she may become expert in the field of radiology by using different kinds of method applied in radiology.
In all, how long does it take to become a radiologist? It takes about 13 years in order to become a specialized radiologist.The amount of study required in order to become a radiologist is a lot but in the long-run, that amount of study pays a lot in the future as well. For instance, an average radiologist may get a salary between the range of $350,000-$400,000 per year which is extremely higher plus a radiologist may not have hectic schedules also and may have flexible timings as compared to doctors who are in different fields.