How Long Does Ovulation Pain Last

The answer to how long does ovulation pain last varies from women to women. The normal process of ovulation is that when a woman is ovulating, the egg comes from inside her ovary, from a follicle and then travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube. When the egg is passing through the fallopian tube, the tube contracts to push the egg through and towards the uterus. Usually, the pain which you feel during ovulation is when the egg bursts out of the follicle. Further cramps which you feel are caused by the fallopian contractions which are pushing the egg towards the uterus.

Another consideration to determine how long does ovulation pain last is that some women also mistake stomach gas for cramping. Stomach gas can last several hours, and even days. Stomach gas and bloating are common during the menstrual cycle, and both pains together can magnify the pain. Hence, ovulating pain and stomach gas may both contribute to the overall painful experience.

Usually the pain occurs in the lower abdomen and pelvis area. If there is severe and constant abdominal pain, then there might be other issues with you. These include ovarian cysts, appendicitis, or endometriosis which can affect how long does ovulation pain last in your body, and it is best to consult a doctor for it.

Out of every five women, one of them experience the pain and discomfort of ovulation. Pain duration varies from one woman to another anywhere between a few minutes to two to three days. Out of many cases in some cases it does not mean that ovulation pain is something wrong. However, severe pain may sometimes be symptoms of gynecological conditions including endometriosis. Consult your doctor if your ovulation pain lasts more than three days or associated with other symptoms that are not normal menstruation, such as bleeding after your period is over. Sometimes the pain occurs nearly two weeks before the menstrual cycle is about to start

Other symptoms ovulation pain include pain in the lower abdomen, near the hip bone.
Depending on which ovary is releasing the egg, pain begins on that particular side, and may switch sides, or it can remain on one of the side for a few of the cycles. This feeling of pain varies between abdominal pressure, sharp twinges, instances of pains or cramps.

To relieve the ovulation pain you can try a few remedies such as drinking a lot of water. Sometimes cramping occurs due to dehydration. Drinking water may ease the pain.

Use heat therapy to treat the cramps. Hot water bottle therapy or a hot bath may relieve you from the pain. Alternatively, a heating pad can also be used to relax the muscles and the pain. However, if you are trying to conceive avoid the heating pad as it may deter the egg from getting fertilized.

You can also take aspirin or a pain reliever to reduce the pain.

Hence, to establish how long does ovulation pain last, it can end up for few hours or for some days due to the ovulation cycle. For some women, the cramps are more obvious whilst for others they feel both types of pinches and pain. Ovulation pain may appear suddenly and tends to disappear in a couple of hours or more, but in some cases it might extend to three days as well. In some rare cases ovulation pain can last up to the next cycle.