How Long Does It Take To Boil Potatoes

Potato is one of the most consumed vegetable in the world. It has to be boiled since it is a root vegetable. Also it has some unwanted organisms that are unhealthy for us. Many raw vegetables that cannot be consumed in raw form are boiled and then consumed. However potatoes are cooked in various forms. The question arises how long does it take to boil potatoes? The answer of this question lies in the methods adopted for boiling potatoes.

There are various recipes followed for cooking potatoes. Digging those recipes will better answer, how long does it take to boil potatoes? For mashed potatoes, potatoes should be boiled for not more than twenty minutes. Pick the best potatoes, wash them, peel them and then boil water. To maintain the beautiful golden color of potatoes, you may add a little vinegar. After twenty minutes check each potato with a fork. Insert it in the potato and see if it has boiled properly or not. If the potatoes are bigger in size, you can boil them for ten minutes more and then check them again. At that moment you will realize, how long does it take to boil potatoes?

For making potato salad, you can cut potatoes in small cubes. They get boiled in ten minutes maximum. A whole potato takes longer then boiling potato cubes. Repeat the same process; wash them, peel them, cut in to cubes and then boil them. You can check if they have boiled properly using fork. There are so many potato salad recipes; use any one of them and make delicious salad.

How long does it take to boil potatoes can be better understood by boiling potatoes in microwave. This is a rather quick method because you do not need to boil potatoes. They are just washed, placed in water container and then put in the microwave for five minutes. You can keep the water container without a lid.

Now you have understood how long does it take to boil potatoes? There are so many boiling methods. On average it takes fifteen minutes. Usually potatoes are washed, peeled off and then cut in to fries. Before frying them, they are boiled for 3 minutes, seasoned with corn flour and then fried. They turn in to yummy golden fries. Mashed potatoes are served with roast and steaks. They have cheese topping. Boiled potatoes taste yummy in salads, soups, as French fries and as mashed potatoes.

Potatoes are not boiled when they are baked in oven. They get cooked in steam and that also takes on average fifteen minutes. Potatoes have a lot of starch and therefore they take long to get cooked. Potatoes change color if they are cut and not out in water. They turn brown; so to preserve their color put them in water once you cut them. You can add vinegar to them after putting in water for a boil. It helps in retaining color of the potatoes.